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Pacing Pathways: Navigating life with FND

Designed with FND in mind

© FND Wellbeing Limited 2024. All rights reserved.

A 3 month (12-week) supported online workshop style course


Are you one of the 93% of individuals diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) who constantly battles fatigue? You are not alone.


Fatigue can be a daily struggle for people with FND. The Spoon Theory has been a valuable metaphor for understanding physical fatigue, but it often falls short in capturing the challenges unique to FND with sensory, environmental and emotional overwhelm. Managing fatigue with FND requires a tailored approach that goes beyond conventional methods. Pacing Pathways is deliberately spread out over a three month period, with support sessions, because it takes time to find your baseline and it really is an art. This groundbreaking 12-week course provides you with a personalised roadmap to regain mastery over your energy and navigate life with FND.


Fatigue isn't just about the number of 'spoons' you have – it's about understanding the intricate connections between the brain and body, the nervous system, triggers and environmental factors. Small group settings and regular check-ins ensure you're fully supported as you translate theory into practice. Insights, tips, tools, strategies and techniques are shared throughout this course to empower you every step of the way.


Join a community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique journey of living with FND. Together, we'll navigate the complexities, share, and foster support. Don't let fatigue dictate your life – find your Pacing Pathway. It's time to go beyond spoons and embrace a holistic approach to looking after your own FND wellbeing.


What's included

A Toolkit of Practical Resources

Within each module, you will find Strategies, Tips, and Tools for you to explore and tailor specifically to your needs and requirements.


This course is packed with guides, charts, tables, planners, and infographics for your to explore and discover.


The resources help you to build a personalised toolkit that not only works towards managing the physical aspect of fatigue, they also help you with sensory and environmental overwhelm, and your mindset towards pacing with FND.

Six Modules to Discover

The course takes you through different pathways to pacing designed for people with FND, by someone with FND.


It covers different types of fatigue, how that relates to FND, alongside practical strategies, tips and tools to help you find a baseline and help you to build your own personalised pacing plan.


We explore different strategies and choices for coping with social situations and knowing when to be flexible and ways to recover quicker after a flare up.

Different Formats

Each module contains a workbook for you to work through at your own pace that accompanies you on your journey of finding the right pacing pathway for you.


The printed materials are in pastel colours for visual sensitivity as well as black and white to keep costs down for those who wish to print.


There are audio and video resources to help with different types of learning, symptom management and sensitivities. 

Group Support Sessions

Pacing with FND is an art. It can be challenging and we need to be supported by people who understand and have compassion for this condition.


We also need to be surrounded by people who accept our unique presentation of symptoms, without judgement, so that we can explore and tailor to our unique circumstances.


Every other week there is a Q&A session to talk through and explore any issues arising and experiences.

FND Wellbeing reserves the right to amend, vary, update or withdraw the Services offered to you at any time. In the event such an amendment, revision, update or withdrawal occurs, users how are potentially affected will be notified as soon as possible and revised changes will be posted here.

Course Structure
All designed with FND in mind

Week 1 - An Introduction to Pacing and FND

- Introduction to the course structure, objectives, and interactive approach

- Understanding FND and the importance of pacing for symptom management

- The different types of fatigue and stages of pacing with FND

- Beginning to track your energy levels and your fatigue wheel

Week 2 - Module 1: Building Energy Awareness Levels

- The Essence of FND PACING

- Identifying different levels of activity

- The Bank of ME

- Triggers that drain energy and nurture energy

Week 3 - Group Support Session 

- An opportunity to reflect on Week 1 & 2's activities

- Group discussion on insights, learnings and issues arising 

- Question and Answer Session

Week 4 - Module 2: Building a Pacing Plan for FND

- Applying the Principles of Pacing to FND

- Categorising and prioritising activities

- Ratios for different activities, situations, symptoms and levels of fatigue

- Learning to S.W.A.P. for neuroplasticity and neurological rest

- Tracking your activity and rest levels

Week 5 - Group Support Session 

- An opportunity to reflect on Week 4's activities

- Group discussion on insights, learnings and issues arising 

- Question and Answer Session

Week 6 - Module 6: Finding Your Baseline

- Identifying what is meant by a baseline of activity for Pacing with FND

- Establishing essential and meaningful activities

- The Circles of Control and Influence

- Establishing Boundaries for Pacing

- The importance of rest

Week 7 - Group Support Session 

- An opportunity to reflect on Week 6's activities

- Group discussion on insights, learnings and issues arising 

- Question and Answer Session

Week 8 - Module 4: Adjusting Pacing Plans

- Understanding and expressing your FND needs

- Understanding the mindset and behavioural patterns we can run

- Adapting to different situations and social events 

- Strategies, tips and tools for Flare Ups

Week 9 - Group Support Session 

- An opportunity to reflect on Week 8's activities

- Group discussion on insights, learnings and issues arising 

- Question and Answer Session

Week 10 - Module 5: Consolidating Pacing Plans, Tools, Techniques & Strategies

- Bringing together all the components of FND pacing

- Managing frustration and impatience

- Taking a wholistic approach to FND wellbeing beyond the Pacing Plan

Week 11 - Group Support Session 

- An opportunity to reflect on Week 10's activities

- Group discussion on insights, learnings and issues arising 

- Question and Answer Session

Week 12 - Module 6: Long term strategies for pacing with FND

- An opportunity to reflect on the progress made throughout the course, insights and learnings.

- Maintaining pacing for the long term and reviewing a personalised toolkit of resources

- Additional resources and support for continued learning, development and growth

Other days and times will be coming soon. Register your interest for free now.
Click the "Register" button below and select your preferred days and times.

© FND Wellbeing Limited 2024. All rights reserved.


Learning to Pace through this workshop has been life changing. Kerryn has brought knowledge, facts and laughter along to my FND journey. Having a friendly space to learn, reflect and listen to other's experience is something that is hard to find so I'm very grateful to have found the course.

Becca, Chorley. UK

A 3 month (12-week) supported online workshop style course

Price: £10 / week (£120)

Personalised payment plans available on request.

Other days and times will be coming soon.
Register your interest for free now. Click the "Register" button below and select your preferred days and times.

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